Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Public Opinion

Why are the public so against bankers receiving bonuses?

There is good reason why the public resent bankers and their bonuses. During the financial crisis many banks had to be bailed out using tax-payers money. However, despite this, many bankers have still been on the receiving end of whopping bonuses. When the banks performed well; their employees were paid well. However when the banks performed poorly; their employees were still paid well. Bonuses and compensation did not vary significantly as profits shrank. In the eyes of the public, their money is being used to bail out the banks but the bankers are still getting the enjoyment of these huge payouts. Also many banks have been associated with scandals such as the Libor rigging scandals yet the culprits are still being rewarded. 

We don't get rewarded for failure, so why should the banks?

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